Badminton Score

by RK Company



This application can be used to assist umpires and boards in a badminton event. Supports many scoring systems : * Rally Point - 3 x 21 point - 30 point, switch court after 15 points - 42 point, switch court after 21 points - 5 x 11 point * Change Ball - 3 x 15 point - 30 point, switch court after 15 points There are 2 game modes in this application :* Individual Used in a one court only game, used independenly* Event Used in a badminton event, support several courts. Administrator : Manage all activity and configuration, including number of courts, scoring system, password for each court and Guest, and to monitor game result from each court. Umpire : as an Umpire for a court, and to write down the game result. Guest : as a visitor, only able to view the game progress, just like you following the game from television for score updates. The view in this mode can be changed to Score Board.Important notices : Passwords for Administrator, Guest, and each court must different, because this application will determine your login based on the password. Please remember the event name and administrator password, as there is no way to retrieve those informations. All information about the events, courts, games will be keep in the server for a several days, and will be deleted automatically by the systemShould you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to mail us at [email protected].